November 2, 2017

Where:  Durango, Colorado


Join us for presentations on Bioclimate models and change projections to inform forest adaption in Southwestern Colorado. Forest adaptation can help reduce anticipated impacts of climate change and increase the likelihood of maintaining forest cover into the future. Bioclimate models provide spatially explicit projections of impacts to tree species that can be used to guide adaptation at landscape and project scales. 



 Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) - Mike Battaglia  

 Resiliency practices, USFS regional/national activities - Jeff Underhill 

 Management considering adaptive variation and evolution - Marcus Warwell 

 Distribution of suitability based on reference climate - Suzanne Marchetti 

What bioclimate models are; how they were developed - Jim Worrall 

 The future: how projections are made and visualized - Jim Worrall 

 Recommendations for managing some common projected transitions - Mike Battaglia 

 Projected lynx habitat and connectivity-  Michelle Fink;Jim Worall, presented by Renée Rondeau