Four Corners Resource Management Apprenticeship PROGRAM (FC-RMAP)

FC-RMAP (once known as FC FLIP) connects regional college students and recent graduates with resource managers to gain the knowledge and skills – hands-on – of what it means to work with or for a federal agency. Whether interns, also known as Flippers, participate in natural, recreation, or cultural resource management, a major goal of the program is to better prepare the next generation of agency personnel.
This rigorous, paid, 10-week career-building internship program offers an outstanding opportunity to learn from professionals in the field, build skills, and gain networking contacts - all while living in a beautiful place. Each student will be paired with a natural resource scientist or manager for a 9-week internship and will participate in a one week orientation/ training. Students will learn, during their internship, the methods used by natural resource professionals and community planners in the field and office and contribute to real-world projects.
A kick-off orientation, a mid-term check-in, and a final presentation help interns build knowledge, skills, and camaraderie. The orientation will include wilderness first aid and CPR training and certification, backcountry skills, introduction to federal careers and application process, storytelling for scientists and managers, and the development of 21st Century Skills.
Participation necessitates a commitment to the entire program, a spirit of adventure, and the ability to work full-time in a professional setting.
Please check back soon for available positions, descriptions, and how to apply.
We are grateful to work in partnership with Conservation Legacy and the United State Forest Service to develop and implement FC-RMAP.