MSI, Fort Lewis College, and the Environment & Climate Institute Present
Day of Forest Health and Fen Restoration
In celebration of National Public Lands Day 2021
Sunday, September 26
9:30 a.m.
Molas Pass Overlook
Calling all high school students and aspiring environmental stewards! Join MSI, Environment and Climate Institute, and Fort Lewis College for a day of conservation and restoration in some of San Juan County's iconic wetlands and forests.
On Sunday, September 26 MSI will lead a revegetation effort of the Molas Fen near Molas Pass Overlook. Our agenda will include a morning of learning about wetlands and why they're important, as well as helping to restore one- prepare to get your hands dirty! In the afternoon, we will learn how our local forests evolved with bark beetles and how that relationship may be out of balance due to climate change.
Transportation from Durango and lunch will be provided. Students will meet at Fort Lewis College at 8:30 a.m. for transport to Molas and should plan on transport back to FLC at 1:30 p.m.
Open to all high school students within Durango, Bayfield, Ignacio, Pagosa, and Silverton school districts. Please bring waterproof footwear, rain clothes, layers, and appropriate gear to be working outside for the morning. Register online beginning September 14th through the 24th. Space is limited to 25 participants.