Working Groups

MSI facilitates, partners and collaborates with other nonprofits, stakeholders, agencies, tribal entities and the public in various working groups to promote strong communities, develop landscape scale science and strengthen partnerships. Choose a group of interest to get involved or to learn more about ongoing efforts.


San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership

We work to provide a forum to share stakeholder perspectives to develop science-based collaborative priorities for management and monitoring of forests in the Pagosa Ranger District of the San Juan NF. 


The 2-3-2 Cohesive Strategy Partnership (The 2-3-2)

Partnerships formed through the 2-3-2 have resulted in new business, hundreds of treated acres, numerous outreach and educational opportunities, and at least ten training events.

4 Rivers resilient forest collaborative

We envision a future where our communities lead stewardship actions that promote resilient watersheds and forests on all lands within our scope, strengthening the ecological, economic, and sociocultural character of La Plata and San Juan Counties.

San Juan River.jpg

Upper San Juan Watershed EnhancemenT Partnership

This group is working to create a Stream Management Plan for the headwaters of the San Juan River to coordinate projects and management opportunities.


San Juan Climate Initiative

Changes in climate may lead to complex environmental interactions that could present unprecedented challenges.

Community Climate Resiliency Network

The purpose of this group is to share ideas and advance our collective understanding of resilience thinking and community resilience. 


Mancos River Restoration Group

This is a group interested in pursuing restoration goals and climate planning on the Mancos River collaboratively to address restoration from a landscape scale.


science & innovation center

Promoting collaborative innovation that advances technology related to environmental aspects of mining.


Animas River Community Forum

In response to the Gold King Mine spill incident, the Animas River Community Forum came together. The Forum's role is sharing and disseminating information related to the spill and its recovery. Animas River Community Forum webpage temporarily under construction.