416 Fire Gallery
Select "Map" to view photos and their location taken. Select "Participate" to add your own photos to the web map. For a larger map link click HERE.

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 firefighter, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire with marsh marigolds in the foreground, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

Trains parked indefinitely in Silverton, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman

416 Fire, photo by Priscilla Sherman
Moki joined Laurel Sebastian in collecting samples and measuring ph, conductivity and temperature of the Animas River and Barker's Bridge, above the confluence with Hermosa Creek.
Hermosa Creek at Hwy 550 on Sunday, June 17 after weekend rains
Water samples taken on Sunday, June 17 at Bakers Bridge, Hermosa Creek, Trimble Land and Rotary Park (left to right).

For more photos of MSI's water monitoring efforts, visit our monitoring page.
For use of photos by Priscilla Sherman, contact Priscilla.