On Tuesday, September 17th at 6:00PM Mountain Studies Institute and Silverton School are bringing the film Bears of Durango to Silverton.
Why? Last year, Silverton School students embarked on a bear-smart trash can campaign for the town of Silverton. Since the film is about research on bear and human behavior and interaction, it lines up perfectly with the Silverton students’ work. Students will be invited to speak about their project before the film starts. Film maker Dusty Hulet will also be present to introduce the film and meet the audience.
Admission is free with donations suggested. Donations will be used to develop the documentary into an educational tool that can be used in bear-blessed communities not just in the Rockies, but all around the world.
The showing is at 6:00PM in the PAC at Silverton School. The film is about one-hour long.
The film has not been rated. While the film is generally kid-friendly, there a small amount of strong language.