COVID-19 Mountain Studies Institute Checklist For Office and Field Work
All Staff must:
—Review the Safer at Home webpage
—Review the 20-28 Safer at Home Public Health Order
All Staff must:
Ensure proper signage remains posted at the main entrance of the facility and that any visitors honor social-distancing guidelines as posed on the sign.
1. Workplace Measures
Contact Michelle Furi, the Health and Safety Coordinator for MSI with any questions or concerns: (719)225-6490.
Telework or work at home if possible.
Consider potential at risk individuals in your work environment or at home environment and best consider social distancing measures to ensure non-exposure to at risk individuals.
If you are sick, do not come to the office. Symptoms to justify not coming to the office include one or more of the following: headache, sore throat, fever, dry cough, recent inability to taste and smell, shortness of breath, earaches, body aches, diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, abdominal pain.
Immediately contact Michelle Furi, the MSI Safety Coordinator if you develop symptoms or a positive test result for COVID-19.
Log daily symptom tracker in field tracker spreadsheet in Sharepoint.
Complete the Employee Health Screening Spreadsheet before arriving to the office.
If you develop symptoms, contact your primary care doctor and use the CDPHE Symptom Tracker.
Ensure you use your mask in public spaces and that you have access to masks and gloves in the workplace. Ensure proper use of mask and gloves.
Wash hands frequently throughout the work-day.
Wash commonly used surfaces frequently.
Use hand sanitizer at upon entering the building.
Ensure you have read this document in its entirety.
2. Physical Distance Measures
All employees acknowledge that they are to maintain 6 foot distance from each other and visitors to the office.
All desks being utilized are at least six feet apart from other active workers or common use areas, such as stairs.
The office-tracker calendar is used to ensure we do not exceed office capacity at any given point
The office-tracker is checked prior to entering the office and office users are alerted to your unplanned use of office.
3. Disinfection Measures
Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, soap and water, or effective disinfectant is available near entrance to office facility and made available to employees and visitors to the office.
Disinfectant wipes or spray is available near workstations and high-contact surfaces (including office doors; bathroom doors; stairway rails).
Employees are disinfecting surfaces after use.
4. Transportation and Field Measures
Given consent of all field crew-based employees, the below protocols will be used for carpooling. If consent is not given, then separate vehicles should be used for all field work.
The number of passengers in vehicles is reduced by 50% of vehicle’s occupancy and passengers must sit in locations that maximize their distance from one another.
Passengers wear a non-medical, cloth face-covering mask when in a vehicle containing more than one person.
Windows remain open and ventilation is increased.
All high-contact surfaces of the vehicle are disinfected at the end of each day.
Field crews, with consent, can work in closer proximity within one another by adjusting safety measures to consider the crew a ‘family unit’.
I, ___________________________, hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the MSI COVID-19 Workplace checklist, and I understand that I am responsible for complying with the policy rules. I understand that violation of such policy may result in consequences.
____________________________ Employee Signature ____________________________ Date